From now on I'm counting on you. I will send you a OK message as soon as I'm safe again.

I'm launching my paraglider or set off on a trip right now. The map will be updated every 10 minutes, or I'll be sending significant positions manually.

In any emergency case please use the map to locate me. Check out the red button for more help.

Thanks for looking after me 🙂

Messages go to these persons. Please contact each other to avoid double actions...

  • Gitte Laudage
    Bad Endorf
  • Axel Schmidmeier
  • Werner Götte
    Bad Endorf
  • Thomas Melle
    Bad Endorf
  • Petra Stemmler-Seipp
    Frankfurt am Main
  • Christoph Stemmler
    Frankfurt am Main
  • Try contacting me via phone, Signal or WhatsApp.
    (In case I'm safe and didn't send the OK message call in for a free beer)
  • First contact the others (you'll see a list with the cyan button) and check together what might be wrong.
  • Use the map (scroll down), to track my trip and locate my position.
  • Try to contact me over the map and call for help if not successful (19222)!
  • My GPS coordinates are in the message as well

    Map password (enter below) is


    If my tracker is active it gives you these options:

  • "Karte"
    show my last regular positions on a map
  • "Nachr."
    send a message directly to my tracker device. I will be billed for that!
  • "Orten"
    locate my current position. This can take up to 20 minutes. I will be billed for that, too!
  • Please use messages/location services only in urgent cases and try other options first.