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ParaFlightBook Pro – Installer für Windows 7-11. Die Installation über vorhandene ParaFlightBook-Pro-Installationen ist möglich.
First steps
Download and run the Windows installer (the computer may need to be restarted). The installation takes place in C:\ParaFlightBook.
- If you already keep a ParaflightBook flight log: Select the XML file under File/Import (also possible for automatic backups). You can find them in the DATA directory under your old installation on the PC or USB stick.
Attention: ParaFlightBook-Pro-Logs cannot be read or synchronized with versions 1.xbecause they contain new elements such as the device database! - Otherwise, just start with the empty flight log or open the demo flight log.
Attention: Changes cannot be saved if no valid runtime package was found. You can purchase these further down on this page. As soon as you have logged into the program with your login details for this website, your term packages will be picked up.
Why you don’t actually need this manual:
This is the manual for version 1, which is still largely valid. You can also view it directly here.
The new version is documented in individual articles in the support/FAQ area (see main menu above).
Purchase the ‘Premium’ runtime package for ParaFlightBook Pro
It is possible to purchase multiple packages; the terms will then be added together. When you purchase a runtime package, the software is immediately activated on all computers used for the booked period. For this reason, the purchase of term packages is only possible if you waive the 14-day right of withdrawal.
You need to check this Checkbox to purchase runtime packages!